Bully pc gaming wiki
Bully pc gaming wiki

I have never heard anyone complain about the soundtrack of this game. It plays in the background 24/7 and it never gets annoying. The soundtracks vary from place to place, clique to clique and door to door.

bully pc gaming wiki

Shawn Lee did an amazing job of capturing the mood of the game. Now we come to the most underrated part of Bully. He is not some giant scary monster who wants to destroy the human race, he is just a sociopath kid with a lot of mental issues, who needs help. He is a well written villain and is brilliantly voice acted. You only see him in chapters one and five. The antagonist, Gary Smith is my favorite character in the whole game. He tries his best to stop bullying and keeps getting sucked into the American high school social life and ends up as the worst student and a teacher's nightmare, which is such a simple, but amazing concept. This games protagonist, Jimmy Hopkins is the most relatable person ever. This brings me to my favorite part of the game, the protagonist and the antagonists. You can explore different factions, beat their leaders, become a leader, and view their lifestyle from a newcomers point of view. Never has a game ever put high schools at such a high level as Bully. It introduces the idea of cliques in a high- school setting. It also introduces things I never new could work so well in a game. They have Geography, Chemistry, Math, Art, Photography, Gym, Auto-shop and more to learn than GTA could ever offer. You can even learn new things because of the class feature. In my opinion, Bully is better than any GTA game out there. This game might have an open world and comes from the same studio, but they are very different.

bully pc gaming wiki

This game is compared to GTA a lot, which should not be done. Everyone has something to do, everyone has a name, everyone feels like a real person. But even the non-storyline NPCs are memorable and interesting.

bully pc gaming wiki

If you play a GTA game, you will not know or remember any of the non-storyline NPCs. The characters are so colorful and interesting. at first I was unsure about the quality, but it blew my mind. I saw my friend play it, and he let me borrow his CD. The reason I gave this game such a high rating is because I cannot even start to define the excellence provided by Rockstar. This review contains spoilers, click expand to view.

Bully pc gaming wiki